Homophone Examples
Close and Clothes
DIY Homophone Meaning Booklet:
In a nutshell, this section of the website gives away free printable homophone booklet pages. The idea behind it is it enables learners to create individualized learning resources to aid them in remembering ‘Tricky Words’.
There are 3 Versions of the Booklet Page in Each Download:
1. The engaging, child-friendly full-color version. This version contains the homophone meaning, a pun or a joke associated with the homophone and an interesting fact. Each element of the graphic is designed to aid a rich understanding of the focus word. This booklet page provides a rich source of discussion around the homophone’s meaning.
2. The ‘Printer Friendly’ Version (with text) – The teachers who designed these resources know printer in can be an issue. With this in mind, we worked a little tech ‘magic’ and created a high contrast cartoon-style version of the booklet page. #somuchnicerthanjustgrayscale
3. The ‘Printer Friendly’ Version (without text) – This version is designed so a group leader can have the color version displayed (whiteboard, Ipad, laptops, phones etc) and discussion can occur. Students can then either write the words from the color version onto their ‘worksheet’, write down teacher directed words or their own memory aides.
NB Since we know students write in many different sizes, we have included a text box below the version above to write expanded notes in. Some teachers (who know writing size is an issue) instruct the students to place a circled number in the language bubbles above and then write the notes in the box below next to the circled number.
How to Download Your Homophone Worksheet:
Add the ‘close’ homophone activity to your Cart using the ‘Add to Cart’ Button. NB You can only get the resources 3 at a time. #longstory
Press the very small ‘View Cart’ Button at the very top right of this page.
Press the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ Button
Add your email address… to prove you are human
Press ‘Place Order’ and then scroll down to ‘Order Details’ and click on your resource there. It will open ready to save, print & use with your students.
Where to Next?
Perhaps you would like some more Homophone Examples or Maybe some Free Phonics Posters